About Us

I’m Tiffany, and while I sometimes have a small family-oriented team of helpers, I am the go-to with all the expertise, ready and willing to assist. Having a background in the fashion industry, styling, communications, and business, Swizzle & Chill seemed natural to me, and came as second nature. Through constant contact with the fashion industry while heading a family-owned fashion boutique for almost twelve years, I have nurtured relationships that have become repeat clients and mainstays of Swizzle & Chill. Swizzle & Chill has no geographical boundaries, and is always ready and willing to serve those who are in need of our personalized assistance, or as we like to call them, curated experiences.
Growing up on a small, yet very sophisticated and well-travelled island, I quickly saw how hard it was to access what exactly was needed, and in a time-framed window. Quite literally everything had to be imported, and you took a gamble shopping in the handful of local stores, trying to find what you were in fact searching for. At a young age, the obstacles of local shopping started fueling a passion to indeed find a needle in a haystack on my end. Settling was never an option. Every time my family would travel, we would load up on things not accessible back home, even finding things for friends, family, and neighbors alike. When the internet hit (and I’m not trying to age myself here), the ballgame changed, and a world of opportunity opened its doors. Only, there was one slight problem. Not everywhere shipped to our island. From here, you can imagine the frustration, but as time evolved, so did the shopping and shipping arena for our tiny island in the middle of the Atlantic. From the memories and ignited passions these past obstacles fed, Swizzle & Chill became a brainchild, and was born. With experience in the fashion retail industry, personal styling, the communications industry, and everything business, this concept was a no-brainer!
Swizzle & Chill offers an array of personalized shopping and styling services to anyone and everyone alike. No matter how big, small, or insignificant one might think, we are here and ready to assist. Our services are offered worldwide, and all from the comfort of our client’s home. We cater to those who just don’t have the time on their hands to accomplish what it is they need to accomplish, down to those who simply cannot find what exactly it is they are in search for and might need some assistance. We can personally locate, shop, consolidate, and ship everything directly to one’s door, literally creating a stress-free experience for each and every client, from beginning to end. Our goal is to personally assist in bridging a gap, whatever that might look like, and to aid in revolutionizing the way the world shops.
Each and every experience differs from the previous and the next, and comes with guaranteed personal communication and media throughout the process. If something doesn’t sit right for the customer, or they have second thoughts about a specific item, color-way or style, all can be made right prior to shipping. We are here and dedicated to the stress-free process of getting each and every client what it is that they need, want, and choose to "hide from their husband" (we've heard it time and time again.... it never gets old!).
Luxury shopping experiences and curated fashion fixes and finds are definitely something that we hold near and dear to us. In the personal styling realm, we have styled and aided so many individuals in building the best version of one’s self, through helping to find one’s unique style and what compliments who they are. There are so many factors to consider, like one’s personality, his or her optimal color palette, their body type and what silhouettes would suit them best. We are always ready and willing to take styling on as a priority, because in the end, there is nothing better than seeing that “glow” slowly reappear (or appear for the first time!) on a client’s face and radiate through their body language.